Pink Star or also known as Pink Death Star is marked by large, conical flowers that taper from a wide base at the stem into a narrow, pointed top. The leaves themselves are a bright shade of spring green with dark green patches and are threaded through with burnt orange pistils. Leaves frequently also show vibrant flashes of purple, ranging from lavender to violet. These hues come about when pigments called anthocyanins are stimulated by colder than average temperatures during the growing process. Amber trichomes are the crowning glory on these colourful buds, giving them a slightly yellow sheen. These are also particularly resinous flowers — handling them will leave fingers sticky and fragrant.
Pinskstar – Craft AAAA
Pink Star is a flavorful creation by Riot Seeds. Known for its “spice rack” terpene profile, this strain reeks of cardamom, fennel, ginger, and pepper. This collection of flavours and the strain’s naturally high THC percentage make it a worthwhile addition to any strain collection. Pink Star delivers buds with deep purple hues and body-melting sedation, so naturally, this strain is best utilized in the evening.
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